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Secondary Education and Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Education with a concentration in engineering education


Community college:
A.A.&.S. or A.S. in Engineering (Virginia Community College System)
Virginia Community College System
Program description

The purpose of the B.S.Ed. in Secondary Education and Teaching with a concentration in engineering education is to prepare students to serve as initially licensed teachers in grades 6-12, as well as to serve as educators and leaders in schools and community-based settings. The program will focus on providing students with a solid foundation in secondary education, engineering, mathematics and sciences to meet the requirements for licensure. Through the core education curriculum, students will become knowledgeable about professional roles and workplace responsibilities while learning basic abilities in the planning and implementation of engineering lessons for students in grades 6-12. The core curriculum instills fundamental knowledge and skills, with opportunities for observation and application in a variety of engineering settings. Through the core engineering, science and mathematics curriculum, students will develop the content knowledge and skills of those fields in order to deliver relevant and rigorous lessons in engineering and integration of other content areas with engineering.

Graduates will be prepared to work in public and private middle and high schools across Virginia, with particular focus in urban and other high-need areas. Graduates will be capable of working with diverse learners and adapting instructional programs based on the needs of their students and clients. Successful completion of the program will result in licensure in secondary engineering education (6-12).

Career opportunities

Graduates typically work in public or private school systems, child care centers, and youth service organizations. Teaching in public schools requires licensure. Be sure to explore the certification requirements in the state you want to teach in as they can differ across states. Graduates can also find work with programs such as Richmond Teacher Residency, Americorps, PeaceCorps, Fulbright Student Program, City Year, America Reads or The Literacy Lab. Learn more and explore potential career pathways at

Bachelor-level job titles
  • Career/Technical Education Teacher
  • Middle/High School Teacher
  • Teacher Assistant
Graduate and professional level job titles
  • Principal
  • School Administrator
  • Teacher
Contact information


VCU Transfer Center

Telephone: (804) 827-1349


Transfer Advising Request

VCCS Transfer Planning Checklist

Office of Admissions

Telephone: (804) 828-1222 or (800) 841-3638

Apply Here.

Guaranteed transfer admission requirements
  • Completion of associate degree
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5
  • All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better
  • Following admission to VCU, students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.8 for subsequent admission to the VCU teacher preparation program and a 3.0 GPA for student teaching course requirements.
Highest level of math required
  • MATH 201 or higher
Science required
  • 5+ additional science courses
Foreign language requirements
  • No
Additional tuition/fees
  • Yes
GPA requirements (to progress/graduate in the major)
  • Advancement to Teacher Preparation requires 2.8+ cumulative GPA and acceptance to Clinical Internship (Student Teaching) requires 3.0+ cumulative GPA.

Transfer major map
Visit for the online version with links.
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost
Major map compass icon

Secondary Education and Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Education with a concentration in engineering education

Virginia Community College System (A.A.&.S. or A.S. in Engineering)

Explore Year 1
  • Schedule an appointment with your community college advisor to map out your associate degree course plan.
  • Enroll in the SDV student success course.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges and utilize tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Explore GRASP financial aid resources and submit the FAFSA on time.
  • Identify a mentor in a diversity organization.
  • Attend diversity-focused events on your community college campus and in your community (e.g., international festival).
  • Make friends with people with diverse perspectives and join a cultural or identity-related student organization.
  • Create a weekly and monthly budget.
  • Prepare for a career after college by creating a brand for yourself.
  • Develop personal and career goals and create SMART steps for 2-3 "dream jobs."
  • Practice independent living skills such as money and time management, self-care, and personal responsibility.
Experience Year 2
  • Apply to VCU.
  • Visit the VCU campus and attend a transfer admission session.
  • Research housing options for next year.
  • Attend a talk or other event sponsored by the School of Education, consider joining a VCU club, or meeting with VCU students to make professional and personal connections.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Attend VCU cultural events, including the monthly Global Café, VCU Diversity Scholars in Research week, or School of Education-related events.
  • Check out the VCU Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) and follow @vcuomsa.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Explore the types of aid available at VCU.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.

  • Schedule an appointment with your community college advisor to map out your associate degree course plan.
  • Enroll in the SDV student success course.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges and utilize tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Explore GRASP financial aid resources and submit the FAFSA on time.
  • Identify a mentor in a diversity organization.
  • Attend diversity-focused events on your community college campus and in your community (e.g., international festival).
  • Make friends with people with diverse perspectives and join a cultural or identity-related student organization.
  • Create a weekly and monthly budget.
  • Prepare for a career after college by creating a brand for yourself.
  • Develop personal and career goals and create SMART steps for 2-3 "dream jobs."
  • Practice independent living skills such as money and time management, self-care, and personal responsibility.

  • Apply to VCU.
  • Visit the VCU campus and attend a transfer admission session.
  • Research housing options for next year.
  • Attend a talk or other event sponsored by the School of Education, consider joining a VCU club, or meeting with VCU students to make professional and personal connections.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Attend VCU cultural events, including the monthly Global Café, VCU Diversity Scholars in Research week, or School of Education-related events.
  • Check out the VCU Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA) and follow @vcuomsa.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Explore the types of aid available at VCU.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.

Recommended courses
Major map compass icon

Secondary Education and Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Education with a concentration in engineering education

Virginia Community College System (A.A.&.S. or A.S. in Engineering)

Virginia Community College System courses
Course Title Equivalent course Credits Requirements
Students who earn this associate degree before enrolling at VCU will be eligible for a waiver of VCU's general education requirements.
SDV 100 or 101 College Success Skills UNIV 101 1 Elective
ENG 111 College Composition I Note: students with credit for AP English Language and Composition will only receive credit for UNIV 111 at VCU and should take ENG 112 to fulfill the VCU composition requirement. UNIV 111-112 3 General education
ENG 112 College Composition II UNIV 200 3 General education
MTH 263 Calculus I MATH 200 4 Major (Ancillary)
MTH 264 Calculus II MATH 202 4 Major
CHM 111 General Chemistry I CHEM/Z 101 4 Major (Ancillary)
CHM 112 General Chemistry II CHEM/Z 102 4 Major
PHY 241 University Physics I PHYS 207 4 Major
PHY 242 University Physics II PHYS 208 4 Major
CSC 222 Object-oriented Programming CMSC 255 4 Major
CSC 223 Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms CMSC 256 4 Major
EGR 121 + EGR 122 Foundations of Engineering + Engineering Design (both must be completed to receive credit for VCU equivalents) EGRE 101 5 Major
EGR 125 Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers CLSE 115 4 Major
EGR 240 Solid Mechanics (Statics) EGMN 102 3 Major
EGR 246 Mechanics of Materials EGMN 202 3 Major
Complete general education requirements for associate degree VCU equivalents 9 to 12 General education
Community college credits transferred to VCU 63 to 66
VCU courses
Course Title Credits Requirements
Your GPA Doesn't Transfer With You Although you worked hard to earn your grades at your current institution, they will only be considered by VCU for an admission decision. Once you enroll at VCU, your GPA will reset to 0.0, and your new GPA will be determined by your level of success in your classes at VCU.
Students must achieve a 2.8 GPA to be admitted to teacher preparation and a 3.0 GPA to be admitted to clinical internship.
EDUS 202 Diversity, Democracy and Ethics 4 Major
EDUS 301 Human Development and Learning 3 Major
EDUS 304 Educational Psychology for Teacher Preparation 2 Major
SEDP 330 Survey of Special Education 3 Major
SEDP/EDUS 401 Assessment in Diverse Settings 3 Major
TEDU/SEDP 410 Building a Community of Learners: Classroom Management 3 Major
TEDU 413 Curriculum Methods and Instructional Models 3 Major
TEDU 452 Teaching English Language Learners 2 Major
TEDU 510 Instructional Technology in PK-12 Environments 2 Major
STAT 441 Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists 3 Major
EGMN 215 Engineering Visualization and Computation 3 Major
EGRE 206 Electric Circuits 4 Major
TEDU 381 Middle School Practicum for Engineering Education 2 Major
TEDU 382 High School Practicum for Engineering Education 1 Major
TEDU 420 Teaching Middle and High School Engineering 3 Major
TEDU 478 Internship I for Engineering Education 4 Major
TEDU 479 Internship II for Engineering Education 4 Major
TEDU 480 Investigations and Trends in Teaching: Engineering 3 Major
TEDU 562 Reading Instruction in the Content Areas 3 Major
BIOL 103 Global Environmental Biology 4 Major (Ancillary)
Credits completed at VCU 59
Minimum credits required for bachelor's degree 123