Major Maps

There are two overarching goals of VCU Major Maps:

  1. To educate students (and their parents, families, and supporters) on how to make the most of their time at VCU
  2. To empower students to set and achieve academic and career goals from day one.

You’ll be able to find Major Maps for all of our bachelor’s degrees plus other tracks like pre-medicine, pre-nursing, or pre-law.

Major Maps are especially valuable for career planning. The content in our Maps enable students to create relevant, goal-oriented success plans with guidance from academic, career, and faculty advisors. Encourage your student to participate in activities that are listed on their Major Map so that they can expand their professional network and gain experience in their field.

Students can also use Major Maps to find majors that align with their goals and interests.  You can help your student to explore academic and career options at VCU by reviewing Major Maps together and discussing what activities on the maps excite them. Be sure to use the links to view the degree plans in the VCU Bulletin to review what courses make up each major.  Next, encourage your student to meet with their academic advisor to pick which major fits them best.   

Transfer Maps

The academic and career planning recommendations are slightly different from those found in the VCU Major Maps.

Transfer Maps are designed for prospective VCU students who are currently enrolled at a community college. This includes high school students considering dual enrollment course options. Students and families can use these transfer maps to select dual enrollment courses that will transfer to VCU and apply to their prospective VCU major.  These Maps help community college students through the transfer application process, learn more about their VCU major, and develop a course plan. Content in these Maps focus on their first two years in community college. These Maps help connect students with key community college and VCU resources available to prospective, admitted, and continuing students.