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Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science (accelerated masters degree option)


Community college:
Associate of Applied Science: Criminal Justice (G3 program) (Tidewater Community College (program specific pathway))
Tidewater Community College
Tidewater Community College
Program description

The L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs is a creative, interdisciplinary grouping of programs in the social sciences and professional arenas that provides students with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for success in public service. The Wilder School brings together faculty from multiple disciplines that share a common interest in public affairs.

The major objective of this degree program is to prepare students for effective professional careers in criminal justice, forensic crime scene investigation, public service and other helping professions, and/or prepare them to pursue studies in law and other related graduate programs. Career opportunities are available in federal, state, local and private justice-related endeavors. These careers include law enforcement, crime scene investigation, juvenile justice, corrections and the courts.

This program also prepares students to enter law school or to pursue graduate studies in criminal justice or in several of the human services fields, usually related to justice. This program offers and encourages in-service justice employees and others to enhance their professional career development through higher education.

Career opportunities

Criminal justice students study the causes of crime, treatment of offenders and management of the criminal justice system, with a focus on balancing social justice and individual rights. Wilder School graduates typically pursue careers in public service and work in law enforcement, the court system, corrections or public policy. Students will learn under faculty experts in criminal justice, criminology, law, juvenile justice, organized crime, law enforcement, corrections, and transnational crime.

Bachelor-level job titles
  • Child Protection Agents
  • Child, Family, and School Social Workers
  • Correctional Officer and Jailers
  • Court Clerks
  • Crime Scene Analyst
  • Criminal Investigators and Special Agents
  • Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary
  • Police Detectives
  • Police, Fire and Ambulance Dispatchers
  • Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists
  • Retail Loss Prevention Specialist
  • Security Manager
Graduate and professional level job titles
  • Attorney
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Government Agency Administrator
  • Mental Health Counselor
Contact information


VCU Transfer Center

Telephone: (804) 827-1349


Transfer Advising Request

VCCS Transfer Planning Checklist

Office of Admissions

Telephone: (804) 828-1222 or (800) 841-3638

Apply Here.

Guaranteed transfer admission requirements

Completion of associate degree
Minimum GPA of 2.5
All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better

Highest level of math required
  • MATH 131
  • STAT 208
Science required
  • Natural Sciences requirement only
Foreign language requirements
  • Yes
Additional tuition/fees
  • No
GPA requirements (to progress/graduate in the major)
  • 2.0+ cumulative GPA, 2.0+ major GPA

Transfer major map
Visit for the online version with links.
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost
Major map compass icon

Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science (accelerated masters degree option)

Tidewater Community College (program specific pathway) (Associate of Applied Science: Criminal Justice (G3 program))

Explore Year 1
  • Attend New Student Orientation.
  • Register for SDV 100.
  • Use Navigate to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges in your classes. Use tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Cultivate relationships with your professors.
  • Check on G3 funding for your AAS program.
  • Attend cultural events at community college and/or VCU and celebrate diversity.
  • Attend VCU’s annual Intercultural Festival or another community intercultural event.
  • Browse careers related to Criminal Justice through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Explore the community college’s iGrad’s Job Genius Search Engine to look into building a career and financial future.
  • Build a LinkedIn profile.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Career Services offered at Community College and VCU and explore Career Pathways on the VCU website.
  • Practice independent living skills (such as money management, self-care, time management, and personal responsibility).
  • Take a career assessment through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Assess your preparation for a career by completing a Gap Analysis.
Experience Year 2
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Attend VCU cultural events, including the monthly Global Café, VCU Diversity Scholars in Research week, or Wilder School-related events.
  • Become familiar with OMSA at VCU.
  • Acquire career related experience (e.g., job, internship, organization involvement).
  • Create a draft resume and bring it to career services advisor or workshop for review.
  • Find out about VCU REAL and learn about REAL graduation requirement.
  • Attend Career & Internship Fairs at community college or VCU to explore your interests.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Take advantage of free Financial Aid counseling.
  • Explore the types of aid available at VCU.

  • Attend New Student Orientation.
  • Register for SDV 100.
  • Use Navigate to schedule an appointment with your advisor.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges in your classes. Use tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Cultivate relationships with your professors.
  • Check on G3 funding for your AAS program.
  • Attend cultural events at community college and/or VCU and celebrate diversity.
  • Attend VCU’s annual Intercultural Festival or another community intercultural event.
  • Browse careers related to Criminal Justice through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Explore the community college’s iGrad’s Job Genius Search Engine to look into building a career and financial future.
  • Build a LinkedIn profile.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Career Services offered at Community College and VCU and explore Career Pathways on the VCU website.
  • Practice independent living skills (such as money management, self-care, time management, and personal responsibility).
  • Take a career assessment through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Assess your preparation for a career by completing a Gap Analysis.

  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Attend VCU cultural events, including the monthly Global Café, VCU Diversity Scholars in Research week, or Wilder School-related events.
  • Become familiar with OMSA at VCU.
  • Acquire career related experience (e.g., job, internship, organization involvement).
  • Create a draft resume and bring it to career services advisor or workshop for review.
  • Find out about VCU REAL and learn about REAL graduation requirement.
  • Attend Career & Internship Fairs at community college or VCU to explore your interests.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Take advantage of free Financial Aid counseling.
  • Explore the types of aid available at VCU.

Recommended courses
Major map compass icon

Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science (accelerated masters degree option)

Tidewater Community College (program specific pathway) (Associate of Applied Science: Criminal Justice (G3 program))

Tidewater Community College (program specific pathway) courses
Course Title Equivalent course Credits Requirements
SDV 100 College Success Skills UNIV 101 1 Elective
ENG 111 College Composition I Note: students with credit for AP English Language and Composition will only receive credit for UNIV 111 at VCU and should take ENG 112 to fulfill the VCU composition requirement. UNIV 111-112 3 General education
ADJ 100 Survey of Criminal Justice CRJS 181 3 Major
ADJ 110 Introduction to Law Enforcement CRJS 254 3 Major
PLS 135 U.S. Government and Politics POLI 103 3 General education
Humanities elective Select 1: PHI 101, 111, 220; ART 101, 102; MUS 121; CST 151; REL 230 VCU equivalent 3 General education
ADJ 105 The Juvenile Justice System CRJS 252 3 Elective
ADJ 111 Law Enforcement Organization and Administration I CRJS 1XX 3 Elective
ADJ 133 Ethics and the Criminal Justice Professional CRJS 1XX 3 Elective
ADJ 140 Introduction to Corrections CRJS 253 3 Major
ADJ 201 Criminology CRJS 2XX 3 Elective
CST 100 Principles of Public Speaking SPCH 121 3 Elective
ADJ 211 Criminal Law, Evidence and Procedures I CRJS 2XX 3 Elective
ADJ 247 Criminal Law, Evidence and Procedures I CRJS 2XX 3 Elective
ADJ elective Select any ADJ elective transferable to VCU CRJS 1XX/2XX 3 Elective
Science with Lab Select 1: BIO 101, BIO 106, CHM 111, GOL 105, PHY 201 VCU equivalent 4 General education
ADJ 212 Criminal Law, Evidence and Procedures II CRJS 2XX 3 Elective
ADJ 236 Principles of Criminal Investigation CRJS 2XX 3 Elective
ADJ 299 Supervised Study in Criminal Justice CRJS 2XX 4 Elective
ADJ elective Select any ADJ elective transferable to VCU CRJS 1XX/2XX 3 Elective
Physical education elective HPEX 1XX 1 Elective
Tidewater credits transferred to VCU 61
VCU courses
Course Title Credits Requirements
Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice with a concentration in Justice
CRJS 355 Criminological Theory 3 Major
CRJS 380 Research Methods in Criminal Justice 3 Major
CRJS 475 Criminal Procedure 3 Major
CRJS 480 Senior Seminar 3 Major
CRJS Select six CRJS upper-level electives (300- or 400-level courses) 18 Major
GVPA 100 Making Policy Real: Social Problems and Policy Solutions 3 Major (Ancillary)
STAT 208 Statistical Thinking 3 Major (Ancillary)
Upper-level electives (300- or 400-level courses): consider a minor or a second major Note: Students must complete a minimum of 45 upper-level credits to graduate from VCU. 15 Elective
Open electives 8 Elective
Credits completed at VCU 59
Bachelor's degree total 120
Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice with a concentration in forensic crime scene investigation
CRJS 355 Criminological Theory 3 Major
CRJS 380 Research Methods in Criminal Justice 3 Major
CRJS 475 Criminal Procedure 3 Major
CRJS 480 Senior Seminar 3 Major
CRJS 320 Principles of Criminal Investigation 3 Major
CRJS 370 Criminalistics and Crime Analysis 3 Major
CRJS 373 Crime Scene Evidence: Law and Trial Procedure 3 Major
CRJS 425 Violent Crime Scene Investigation 3 Major
CRJS Select two CRJS upper-level electives (300- or 400-level courses) 6 Major
GVPA 100 Making Policy Real: Social Problems and Policy Solutions 3 Major (Ancillary)
STAT 208 Statistical Thinking 3 Major (Ancillary)
Upper-level electives (300- or 400-level courses): consider a minor or a second major Note: Students must complete a minimum of 45 upper-level credits to graduate from VCU. 15 Elective
Open electives 8 Elective
Credits completed at VCU 59
Bachelor's degree total 120