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Bachelor of Science: Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science with a concentration in exercise science


Community college:
Associate of Science: Science (Reynolds Community College (program specific pathway))
Reynolds Community College
Reynolds Community College
Program description
The Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences offers programs that prepare students to pursue careers that utilize exercise interventions for both healthy and diseased populations and/or careers designed for students who wish to enter a health care-related field (that does not require licensure, certification or registry status). The department offers one undergraduate degree program; the Bachelor of Science with either the exercise science concentration or the health science concentration.
Career opportunities
Career paths include exercise physiologist, corporate fitness director, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation specialist, strength and conditioning specialist and wellness director. Additionally, the exercise science concentration prepares students for graduate study in exercise science or athletic training and offers an excellent option for those students who want to obtain the pre-requisites for post-graduate study in physical therapy, occupational therapy and medicine.  
Bachelor-level job titles
  • Exercise Physiologist 
  • Fitness and Wellness Coordinator
  • Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors
  • Health Educator
  • Recreation Worker
  • Recreational Therapist
  • Sports Coach or Scout
  • Strength and Conditioning Coach
Graduate and professional level job titles
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Sports Medicine Doctor
Contact information


VCU Transfer Center

Telephone: (804) 827-1349


Transfer Advising Request

VCCS Transfer Planning Checklist

Office of Admissions

Telephone: (804) 828-1222 or (800) 841-3638

Apply Here.

Guaranteed transfer admission requirements

Completion of associate degree
Minimum GPA of 2.5
All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better

Highest level of math required
  • MATH 151
Science required
  • 5+ additional science courses
Foreign language requirements
  • Yes
Additional tuition/fees
  • Yes
GPA requirements (to progress/graduate in the major)
  • 2.0

Transfer major map
Visit for the online version with links.
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost
Major map compass icon

Bachelor of Science: Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science with a concentration in exercise science

Reynolds Community College (program specific pathway) (Associate of Science: Science)

Explore Year 1
  • Attend Reynolds orientation (SOAR).
  • Register for SDV 100.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges in your classes and use tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Use Navigate to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor each semester.
  • Cultivate relationships with your professors.
  • Meet with VCU STEM Transitions Transfer Coordinator to discuss options and create a plan for a successful transition to VCU.
  • Attend cultural events at community college and/or VCU and celebrate diversity.
  • Attend VCU’s annual Intercultural Festival or another community intercultural event.
  • Browse careers related to exercise science through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Explore the community college’s iGrad’s Job Genius Search Engine to look into building a career and financial future.
  • Build a LinkedIn profile.
  • Take a career assessment through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Assess your preparation for a career by completing a Gap Analysis.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Career Services offered at Community College and VCU and explore Career Pathways on VCU Career Services’ Website.
  • Practice independent living skills (such as money management, self-care, time management, and personal responsibility).
  • Create, upload and update your resume to the College Central Network.
Experience Year 2
  • Get involved with service-learning opportunities.
  • Continue to partner with diversity leader/ facilitator/ mentor to move towards cultural competence.
  • Attend diversity-focused events on campus and in your community (i.e. international festival).
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Attend Career & Internship Fairs at community college or VCU to explore your interests.
  • Plan to complete at least two internships (job experiences) before your senior year of college.
  • Create a draft resume and bring it to career services advisor or workshop for review.
  • Find out about VCU REAL.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Take advantage of free Financial Aid counseling.

  • Attend Reynolds orientation (SOAR).
  • Register for SDV 100.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges in your classes and use tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Use Navigate to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor each semester.
  • Cultivate relationships with your professors.
  • Meet with VCU STEM Transitions Transfer Coordinator to discuss options and create a plan for a successful transition to VCU.
  • Attend cultural events at community college and/or VCU and celebrate diversity.
  • Attend VCU’s annual Intercultural Festival or another community intercultural event.
  • Browse careers related to exercise science through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Explore the community college’s iGrad’s Job Genius Search Engine to look into building a career and financial future.
  • Build a LinkedIn profile.
  • Take a career assessment through the Virginia Wizard.
  • Assess your preparation for a career by completing a Gap Analysis.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Career Services offered at Community College and VCU and explore Career Pathways on VCU Career Services’ Website.
  • Practice independent living skills (such as money management, self-care, time management, and personal responsibility).
  • Create, upload and update your resume to the College Central Network.

  • Get involved with service-learning opportunities.
  • Continue to partner with diversity leader/ facilitator/ mentor to move towards cultural competence.
  • Attend diversity-focused events on campus and in your community (i.e. international festival).
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Attend Career & Internship Fairs at community college or VCU to explore your interests.
  • Plan to complete at least two internships (job experiences) before your senior year of college.
  • Create a draft resume and bring it to career services advisor or workshop for review.
  • Find out about VCU REAL.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Take advantage of free Financial Aid counseling.

Recommended courses
Major map compass icon

Bachelor of Science: Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science with a concentration in exercise science

Reynolds Community College (program specific pathway) (Associate of Science: Science)

Reynolds Community College (program specific pathway) courses
Course Title Equivalent course Credits Requirements
SDV 100 or 101 College Success Skills or Orientation to STEM Disciplines UNIV 101 1 Elective
ENG 111 College Composition I Note: students with credit for AP English Language and Composition will only receive credit for UNIV 111 at VCU and should take ENG 112 to fulfill the VCU composition requirement. UNIV 111-112 3 General education
Laboratory Science I CHM 111 General Chemistry I CHEM/Z 101 4 Major
MTH 167 Precalculus with Trigonometry (or MTH 161-162 Precalculus I-II) MATH 151 5 General education
CSC 155 Computer Concepts and Applications INFO 160, 161, 162 3 Elective
ENG 112 College Composition  II UNIV 200 3 General education
Laboratory Science II CHM 112 General Chemistry II CHEM/Z 102 4 Elective
MTH 245 Statistics I STAT 210 3 Major
Social/Behavioral Science PSY 200 Principles of Psychology PSYC 101 3 Major
HLT/PED Personal Wellness Elective VCU equivalent 1 Elective
Laboratory Science I BIO 101 General Biology I BIOL/Z 151 4 Major
Laboratory Science II BIO 102 General Biology II BIOL/Z 152 4 Elective
Laboratory Science elective BIO 141 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (both BIO 141 and BIO 142 must be taken to receive credit for the VCU equivalents) BIOL 205 + PHIS/Z 206 4 Major
Laboratory Science elective BIO 142 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (both BIO 141 and BIO 142 must be taken to receive credit for the VCU equivalents) BIOL 205 + PHIS/Z 206 4 Major
HIS U.S. or Western Civilization History (select 1): HIS 101, 102, 121, 122 HIST 3 General education
HIS U.S. or Western Civilization History (select 1): HIS 101, 102, 121, 122 HIST 3 General education
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Select 1: English literature (ENG 241, 242, 243, 244, 251, 253) or PHI 220 VCU equivalent 3 General education
Humanities Humanities elective VCU equivalent 3 General education
Approved elective PHY 201 General Physics PHYS 201 4 Major
Approved elective PSY 230 Developmental Psychology PSYC 304 3 Major
Reynolds credits transferred to VCU 65
VCU courses
Course Title Credits Requirements
Foreign language through the 102 level.   (This requirement can be fulfilled by means of completion of the 102-level of a language or waived if the student completed up through the third level of a foreign language in high school.  Additionally, language waiver and placement testing options are available for native or heritage speakers of a non-english language.) 0 to 8 General education (not waived by completion of associate degree)
HPEX 300 Healthcare Delivery in the U.S. 3 Major
HPEX 310 Fitness and Health 3 Major
HPEX 395 Clinical Experience I 3 Major
HPEX 495 Clinical Experience II (fulfills senior capstone) 6 Major
HPEX 350 Nutrition 3 Major
HPEX 371 Psychology of Physical Activity 3 Major
HPEX 374 Musculoskeletal Structure and Movement 4 Major
HPEX 375 + HPEZ 375 Physiology of Exercise and Laboratory 4 Major
HPEX 380 Resistance Training for Health and Performance 3 Major
HPEX 440 Chronic Disease and Exercise Management 3 Major
HPEX 441 Assessment and Exercise Intervention in Health and Disease 3 Major
HPEX 470 Exercise Programming and Leadership 3 Major
HPEX 475 Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 3 Major
HPEX 480 Professional Certification Seminar 1 Major
Approved electives (check with VCU advisor) 10 Major
Credits completed at VCU 55
Bachelor's degree total 120