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Bachelor of Science: Business with a concentration in Human Resources Management


Community college:
Associate of Arts and Sciences: Business Administration (Germanna Community College)
Germanna Community College
Germanna Community College
Program description

The concentration in human resource management gives students a broad overview of the knowledge base and applications used by professionals in the field. Students receive exposure to a wide range of topics reflecting the body of knowledge recommended by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) standards for coursework in HR.. After graduation, students are prepared for employment in the public or private sector as human resource management generalists or as specialists in human resource management functions such as recruiting, compensation management or benefits administration.

Career opportunities

Human resource management is a major functional area of all businesses and includes employee recruitment and selection, training and development, employee relations, compensation and benefits, performance evaluation, and human resource planning.  Individuals working in human resources undertake a full range of activities related to attracting and selecting employees to work in an organization, motivating and facilitating high performance, and retaining employee talent.  Decisions made in organizations about how to structure jobs, who to hire, how to reward them contribute directly to organizational effectiveness and a firm’s competitive advantage.  These processes can be applied in small, medium, and large firms as well as non-profits.  Early career opportunities typically include compensation analyst, employee benefits specialist, human resource assistant, human resource manager, employment recruiter, employment interviewer, and training and development specialist.  Later stages may see transitions into senior management positions including chief human resource officer.

Bachelor-level job titles
  • Compensation Analyst
  • Benefits Counselor
  • Credentials Verification Assistant
  • Employee Training Specialist
  • Employment and Placement Specialist
  • Employment Services Manager
  • Human Resource Assistant
  • Human Resource Generalist
  • Job and Occupational Analyst
  • Recruiter
  • Retention Specialist
Graduate and professional level job titles
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  • Mediator or Ombudsperson
  • Training & Development Manager
Contact information


VCU Transfer Center

Telephone: (804) 827-1349


Transfer Advising Request

VCCS Transfer Planning Checklist

Office of Admissions

Telephone: (804) 828-1222 or (800) 841-3638

Apply Here.

Guaranteed transfer admission requirements

Completion of associate degree
Minimum GPA of 2.5
All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better

Degree requirements in Bulletin
Plan of study in Bulletin
Highest level of math required
  • MATH 200 or SCMA 212 or BUSN 212
  • SCMA 302
Science required
  • Core only
Foreign language requirements
  • No
Additional tuition/fees
  • Yes
GPA requirements (to progress/graduate in the major)
  • 2.5 to declare major/2.0 to graduate

Transfer major map
Visit for the online version with links.
Sponsored by the Office of the Provost
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Bachelor of Science: Business with a concentration in Human Resources Management

Germanna Community College (Associate of Arts and Sciences: Business Administration)

Explore Year 1
  • Register for SDV 100.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges and utilize tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor each semester to discuss progress in your degree program.
  • Find and connect with a faculty mentor.
  • Develop strong Excel skills by completing ITE 115.
  • Log into Navigate and view its features to help you on your pathway.
  • Attend diversity-focused events on campus.
  • Identify a mentor in a diversity organization.
  • Get involved with a professional or student organization.
  • Visit career services to begin cultivating your own virtual brand across all social media profiles.
  • Browse careers related to human resource management through the career coach.
  • Explore the community college’s iGrad’s Job Genius Search Engine to look into building a career and financial future.
  • Create Linkedln profile.
  • Assess your preparation for a career by completing a Gap Analysis.
  • Use SDV 100 to create a weekly and monthly budget.
  • Develop personal and career goals and create SMART steps for 2-3 "dream jobs."
  • Work with career services to build resume.
  • Take a career assessment through the career coach.
Experience Year 2
  • Be prepared for academic challenges in your classes. Use tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Research scholarship opportunities and explore your eligibility for the Two-Year College Transfer Grant.
  • Use Navigate to remain on your pathway.
  • Visit the VCU School of Business website to become familiar with upcoming course offerings, syllabi, and professors.
  • Get involved with service-learning opportunities.
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Attend VCU cultural events, including the monthly Global Café, VCU Diversity Scholars in Research week, or School of Business-related events.
  • Attend Career & Internship Fairs throughout the year.
  • Acquire career related experience (e.g., job, internship, organization involvement).
  • Run for leadership in your student organization.
  • If your GPA is 3.5 or higher, consider applying for the VCU Honors College.
  • Find out about VCU REAL.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Take advantage of free Financial Aid counseling.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.

  • Register for SDV 100.
  • Be prepared for academic challenges and utilize tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor each semester to discuss progress in your degree program.
  • Find and connect with a faculty mentor.
  • Develop strong Excel skills by completing ITE 115.
  • Log into Navigate and view its features to help you on your pathway.
  • Attend diversity-focused events on campus.
  • Identify a mentor in a diversity organization.
  • Get involved with a professional or student organization.
  • Visit career services to begin cultivating your own virtual brand across all social media profiles.
  • Browse careers related to human resource management through the career coach.
  • Explore the community college’s iGrad’s Job Genius Search Engine to look into building a career and financial future.
  • Create Linkedln profile.
  • Assess your preparation for a career by completing a Gap Analysis.
  • Use SDV 100 to create a weekly and monthly budget.
  • Develop personal and career goals and create SMART steps for 2-3 "dream jobs."
  • Work with career services to build resume.
  • Take a career assessment through the career coach.

  • Be prepared for academic challenges in your classes. Use tutoring resources to get ahead.
  • Research scholarship opportunities and explore your eligibility for the Two-Year College Transfer Grant.
  • Use Navigate to remain on your pathway.
  • Visit the VCU School of Business website to become familiar with upcoming course offerings, syllabi, and professors.
  • Get involved with service-learning opportunities.
  • Learn about short-term, semester and year-long study abroad options.
  • Consider learning a foreign language to open doors to international organizations and future study.
  • Attend VCU cultural events, including the monthly Global Café, VCU Diversity Scholars in Research week, or School of Business-related events.
  • Attend Career & Internship Fairs throughout the year.
  • Acquire career related experience (e.g., job, internship, organization involvement).
  • Run for leadership in your student organization.
  • If your GPA is 3.5 or higher, consider applying for the VCU Honors College.
  • Find out about VCU REAL.
  • Conduct informational interviews or shadow someone in a field of career interest.
  • Use the cost calculator to estimate your tuition/fees as an upperclassman at VCU.
  • Take advantage of free Financial Aid counseling.
  • Using LinkedIn, connect to at least 10 people. Check out the VCU alumni page in My Network.
  • Consider who you would like to have serve as professional and academic references for future letters of recommendation.

Recommended courses
Major map compass icon

Bachelor of Science: Business with a concentration in Human Resources Management

Germanna Community College (Associate of Arts and Sciences: Business Administration)

Germanna Community College courses
Course Title Equivalent course Credits Requirements
SDV 100 College Success Skills UNIV 101 1 Elective
ENG 111 College Composition I Note: students with credit for AP English Language and Composition will only receive credit for UNIV 111 at VCU and should take ENG 112 to fulfill the VCU composition requirement. UNIV 111-112 3 General education
ITE 115 Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts INFO 160, 161, 162 3 Major (Business Foundation)
ECO 201 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics ECON 211 3 Major (Business Foundation)
BUS 100 Introduction to Business BUSN 201 3 Major (Business Foundation)
ENG 112 College Composition  II UNIV 200 3 General education
MTH 161 Precalculus I MATH 141 3 General education
Laboratory Science Laboratory Science: BIO 101, CHM 101, GOL 105, PHY 201. VCU equivalent 4 General education
ECO 202 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics ECON 210 3 Major (Business Foundation)
Transfer elective Transfer elective VCU equivalent 3 Elective
Laboratory Science Laboratory Science: BIO 101, 102, CHM 101, 102, GOL 105, 106, PHY 201, 202. VCU equivalent 4 General education
MTH 261 Applied Calculus BUSN 212 3 Major (Business Foundation)
HIS History elective (select 1): HIS 101, 102, 111, 112, 121, 122 HIST 3 General education
ACC 211 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 203 3 Major (Business Foundation)
Humanities Humanities elective (select 1): ART 101, 102, HUM 100, MUS 121, PHI 101, 220, REL 231 VCU equivalent 3 General education
ENG Any 200-level ENG literature course (select 1): ENG 241, 242, 243, 244, 251, 252 ENGL 3 General education
HIS History elective (select 1): HIS 101, 102, 111, 112, 121, 122 HIST 3 General education
CST 100 Public Speaking (or CST 110 or CST 126) BUSN 225 3 Major (Business Foundation)
Humanities Humanities elective (select 1): ART 101, 102, HUM 100, MUS 121, PHI 101, 220, REL 231 VCU equivalent 3 General education
ACC 212 Principles of Accounting II ACCT 204 3 Major (Business Foundation)
Germanna credits transferred to VCU 60
VCU courses
Course Title Credits Requirements
INFO 165 Digital Literacy: Spreadsheet Skills II 1 Major (Business Foundation)
BUSN 325 Organizational Communication 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
BUSN 499 Business Knowledge Exam 0 Major (Advanced Business Core)
FIRE 311 Financial Management 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
MGMT 303 Creativity and Ideation 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
MGMT 310 Managing People in Organizations 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
MGMT 434 Strategic Management (capstone) 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
MKTG 301 Marketing Principles 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
SCMA 301 Business Statistics I 3 Major (Advanced Business Core)
BUSN 323 Legal Environment of Business 3 Major
INFO 360 Business Information Systems 3 Major
MGMT 319 Leadership 3 Major
SCMA 302 Business Statistics II 3 Major
SCMA 320 Production/Operations Management 3 Major
MGMT 331 Human Resource Management 3 Major
MGMT 332 Staffing Organizations 3 Major
MGMT 333 Compensation Management 3 Major
MGMT 431 Strategic Human Resource Management 3 Major
Approved general management elective (select one): BUSN 400, FIRE 309, MGMT 389, MGMT 491, SCMA 350 3 Major
Approved global elective (select one): BUSN 329, BUSN 401, ECON/INTL 329, MGMT/INTL 418, MGMT/INTL 446, MGMT/INTL 320 3 Major
Approved human resources electives (select two): FIRE 444, FIRE 449, MGMT 403, MGMT 447, MGMT 493, PSYC 310 6 Major
Credits completed at VCU 61
Bachelor's degree total 121